We are challenged in our family with far too many health and well being issues so in order to try and rectify them we are going to do GAPS

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 15 Intro

Today we enter the third week of our GAPS journey and I do feel we are turning a corner. Master 11 is looking so much better every day, the big dark circles he has always had under his eyes are virtually gone and he had a better day today. His mood was much more moderate today.

I had a call with a GAPS practitioner and speaking to Arija and Master 11s improvement have made me feel much better about it all. GAPS is a hell of a lot of effort and work and research and has made me really feel the weight of being a single mum and having to do everything. I am blessed with 2 great and helpful boys though.

After todays talk with Arija we have figured out we have sluggish bile production and we need to increase fat to increase bile production so we are adding organic butter, we also have low stomach acid and need to focus on minerals to build that up with Himalayan pink salt, sauerkraut and sauerkraut juice. Food wise we are going to be sticking to poached chicken ( in chicken broth) and steamed veg- carrots, zucchini, broccoli and cauli. for a few days then we will add in some poached fish and coconut oil. I am going to be adding are Great Lakes Gelatin  so I will need to learn how to cook with this in jellies and gels but it can also be added to soups and casseroles. To help remedy our mineral deficiencies we need to start using Lugol's Iodine  and add Magnesium and start detox foot baths using epson salts, magnesium chloride, borax or bicarb soda. Overall I am feeling more positive about the whole GAPS journey now.

I also had an appointment with my GP to get a painful lump in my breasts checked out and need to wait a week until I can have a mammogram and an ultrasound - I am so over stress. Now I have more stupid worries in my head, I am a single mum and have very little support. I live quite remotely and have 2 dependant children and lots of dependant animals- I cant get sick!  I am trying to tell myself not to worry I will find out soon enough and if it is cancer I will be able to worry then, so the strategy is keep busy and try not to think about it and I suppose I should be thankful I have GAPS and all of its challenges to keep my mind occupied. 

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