We are challenged in our family with far too many health and well being issues so in order to try and rectify them we are going to do GAPS

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Winding Up Intro

Its been a month and a day and I was surprised to see we only have stage 6 left of intro and really that is just raw apple and Master 11 can not wait, he was pretty keen to have one for desert tonight but we managed to put him off till the morning. 

So we will very soon be transitioning to full GAPS and that is so exciting, the amount of foods we can have is much expanded. One thing we have both noticed doing GAPS is how fresh and yummy everything tastes, we must have reset our taste buds I think.

I went to the Dr today to get my results from my blood tests, mamogram and ultrasound. There is n sigh of the lump the Dr found in my breast so we think it must be something to do with the detoxing , and the gym excercises getting things moving. I guess that is a good thing. My blood tests were very good, everything was well within normal except my cholesterol and when she mentioned that I was a bit worried as I have been eating so much more fat than ever before but the funny thing was my cholesterol was low including my omega 3- low so I need to eat more fish and fish oil. We will soon be starting our GAPS supplements so that will address the omega 3 with cod liver ol. 

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