We are challenged in our family with far too many health and well being issues so in order to try and rectify them we are going to do GAPS

Saturday, August 30, 2014


It may seem pretty strange for us to go from eating what I would consider quite a healthy diet to GAPS. I am in the preparation stage right now but we have started with a couple of things so far. I need to get my head around it and I need to shop for it then we will start.

We have never eaten much processed or take away foods, I have always cooked good wholesome foods at home, neither of my kids have ever had a lot of lollies or soft drinks or so called junk food. They have not been denied it and have enjoyed them on occasions but they have never been a big part of our lives. We eat loads of vegetables and fruit, wholegrain wholemeal breads and brown rice, lean meats and fish and quality dairy foods.

My youngest son has always had allergic shiners - bags under his eyes and his digestive tract has never been right. We have tried taking him off wheat, or dairy or yeast, taking probiotics and tried the failsafe diet- we could never find any answers. So for 11 years he has suffered until he was recently diagnosed as having a leaky gut and being allergic to dairy, gluten, yeast and sugar- this kid is a fruit bat, he loves his fruit and eats kilo's a week, all that sugar has been upsetting him for so long. He is also very fragile and sensitive even he is a rough and tumble boy and very physical and of late his emotional life has been pretty turbulent.

I also have digestive issues and have had for as long as I can remember, I was diagnosed as lactose intolerant many years ago and have adapted to that and accepted that there could never be healing and it was a life long condition. Its been a pretty stressful few years for the boys and I and I have been struggling with anxiety, stress and depression and I am also asthmatic.

The third member of our little family unit is almost 16 and he seems to have a very robust constitution, so he will doing GAPS with extras- he will eat dinner with us  unless he cooks something for himself and he will look after his own breakfasts and lunches but is free to join us in our GAPS food at any time.

I am really hopeful that GAPS can bring healing to my family both physically and emotionally. At this stage I am madly researching and trying to get my head around it all. I have found a local organic pork and a couple of organic beef suppliers. I have ordered the book and the probiotics  We have our own chickens for eggs and are hopefully going to be able to have a spring garden. We are also going through a family separation and settlement, that adds to everyone's stress and the uncertainty is limiting the things we ca start here.

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